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For the first time the American people had a window into the dynamics and aspirations of the Middle East people and their courageous struggle for a democratic, peaceful, and progressive society. It helped show the religious tolerance among ordinary Egyptians that was hidden under the ugly face of the Mubarak dictatorship. And for the first time the lies of Muslim bashers like Glenn Beck, echoing the self delusional claims of Middle Eastern dictators and extremist groups, were checked by a reality that no one could hide or spin.. They abound in blueprints for $2,000 chicken palaces, air conditioned horse hotels, and dairy barns with self cleaning gutters. For the adventurer with a dream of food independence who doesn happen to have a small fortune, these books can be discouraging; but although cement floors, circulating fans, and hot and cold water systems are great conveniences, they are principally for the convenience of the farmer, not the animals, and if convenience is really our go...